Where do fairies live ?

A They live all over the world. They like to live where there is little human activity, like in a park or a forest. Some faeries live underground, in hills or in the mounds of rock, like the faeries of the Shee in Scotland. Some faeries, like dryads, live in trees, while others have taken to the sea in the form of mermaids or merrows, which are sea spirits. Cloud faeries appear as huge beings in the sky and are the creators of imagination. Flower faeries are gentle spirits of the earth and live among the flowers and near the bottom of trees. Butterfly faeries look just like butterflies and live with the flower faeries. Depends on what type of fairies there are. Fairies like to live their places around lush forested hilly land like Ireland or the British isles. Some may live in a separate realm from us called Fairy World (so Fairly Oddparents) Fairyland, or Fey. Some legends, I think, stipulate a twilight realm where the fairies walk. See what you get out of that.


Traditionaly, Fairies live anywhere.
Fairies can live in your house, in your garden, in your pond , anywhere!
Fairies are believed to live all over Ireland. The places they live are called forts, raths, or mounds. A fairy king rules each of these places. At times it is said you can hear sounds of music and merriment coming from them. Irish fairy superstitions say it is best never to disturb these places. A favorite gathering place for Irish fairies is believed to be under a Hawthorne tree. These are usually encircled by a fairy ring of flowers. Certain Hawthorne’s are considered sacred in Ireland. As recently as 1999 in Latoon, County Clare a multimillion-pound highway was diverted so it wouldn’t uproot a lone Hawthorne tree. It was believed if the tree was disturbed everyone that drove on the new road would have bad luck.
Depending on the region, fairies are said to live in woodland communities, underground kingdoms, or inhabit lakes, hills, or stone or grass circles — often along with centaurs, elves, ogres, gnomes and other such animals. Fairies come in many races and tribes, and are also said to vary in size and shape; though most are small, some change size and become man-size or larger if they choose.

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